ProseMirror Flat List

Powerful list for ProseMirror (opens in a new tab) and Remirror (opens in a new tab)

This project introduces a new ProseMirror (opens in a new tab) list design different from the prosemirror-schema-list (opens in a new tab).

Bullet list

Ordered list

Task list

Toggle list

sub list


Simpler data structure

This project simplifies the list design in ProseMirror (opens in a new tab) by providing only one node type: list. You can add any block nodes as a children of a list node, including another list node. The first child can also be any block type, not just a paragraph.

This design is “flat” because it does not use <ul> (bullet_list) and <ol> (order_list) elements to wrap list items. This makes the data structure simpler and easier to manipulate. The list node will render as a <div> element.

New list kinds

We adds two new kinds of lists: task and toggle. You can interact with them using the mouse. These types are in addition to the existing bullet and ordered lists from prosemirror-schema-list (opens in a new tab).


Accurate indent and dedent range

This module improves how the indent and dedent commands work (they are called liftListItem and sinkListItem in prosemirror-schema-list (opens in a new tab)). These two commands now try to move only the selected part of the document.

⬇ Unselected paragraph (e.g. "A complex list") is also moved when using the old sinkListItem command in prosemirror-schema-list.


⬇ Only selected paragraph are moved when using the new dedent command in prosemirror-flat-list.


Arbitrary indentations

Since the first child of a list node can also be a list node, we can have multiple bullet points on one line. This feature allows a list item to have arbitrary indentations by hiding all the bullets except the last one in one line.

arbitrary indentation

Input rules

prosemirror-flat-list provides some input rules for creating list nodes. You can type:

  • - or * followed by a space to create a bullet list node
  • 1. followed by a space to create an ordered list node
  • [ ] or [x] followed by a space to create a task list node
  • >> followed by a space to create a toggle list node

You can also use wrappingListInputRule function from this module to create your own input rules.


If you want to migrate your existing documents that use prosemirror-schema-list (opens in a new tab) or @remirror/extension-list (opens in a new tab), you can use migrateDocJSON function from this module. It accepts an ProseMirror document JSON object and returns an updated document JSON object (or null if no migration is needed). It will replace all the old list nodes with the new list nodes. For example:

import { migrateDocJSON } from 'prosemirror-flat-list'
const oldDoc = {
  type: 'doc',
  content: [
      type: 'ordered_list',
      content: [
          type: 'list_item',
          content: [{ type: 'paragraph', text: 'Item 1' }],
          type: 'list_item',
          content: [{ type: 'paragraph', text: 'Item 2' }],
const newDoc = migrateDocJSON(oldDoc)
// {
//   type: 'doc',
//   content: [{
//     type: 'list',
//     attrs: { kind: 'ordered' },
//     content: [
//       { type: 'paragraph', text: 'Item 1' },
//       { type: 'paragraph', text: 'Item 2' }
//     ]
//   }]
// }